The Mission of the FBI Indianapolis Citizens Academy Alumni Association is to promote greater understanding and support of the FBI in the interest of national security and the protection of civil liberties.
The FBI Indianapolis Citizens Academy Alumni Association is supported by voluntary contributions from Academy graduates and friends. We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, and donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Alumni may become Sustaining members of the FBI Indianapolis Citizens Academy Alumni Association through an annual contribution of $100 or more. If total contributions reach $1,000 within five (5) years, the member is considered a Lifetime member. Individuals who have not graduated from the Citizens Academy may support the program through a financial contribution, but will not be considered part of the FBI Indianapolis Citizens Academy Alumni Association.
All class participants, past and present are encouraged to help ensure that others will have the same outstanding experience as they did. Support of the annual classes, Alumni Events and the FBI Youth Leadership Academy are partially underwritten by your financial participation.
DONATE $100 Annual Contribution
Beyond being a sustaining member, alumni may also support the FBIICAAA by donating funds for the following:
DONATE $210 Sponsor a student for the FBI Collegiate Academy